31 Mayıs 2019 Cuma

Hi!I am Fatih.I will give you information about Mersin's Touristic and Historical Places.
1. Yerköprü Waterfall -Mut

Mersin, Yerköprü Waterfall

Our most impressive discovery in Mersin is the Yerköprü Waterfall in the Yerköprü National Park, which is connected to Mut district. In our opinion, the most prominent beauty in Mersin's tourism activities has already been protected as a nature monument. You need to take some effort to see the waterfall; 1) On the way to Ermenek, which is far more distant than the other things you want to visit in Mersin, 2) After reaching the National Park, you have to walk for 30-45 minutes to reach the waterfall in the canyon. As you go downhill, climb as you go. But you walk in such a beautiful canyon, you're going on so many impressive places that you don't have any guards. Parking is 12 TL.

2.On the Castle in the Middle of the Sea: Kızkalesi - Erdemli

Kizkalesi is one of the most known tourist places in Erdemli. Erdemli'de said that Erdemli, in fact, 23 kilometers away, about 60 kilometers to Mersin. The Kizkalesi can also be used as the Sea Fortress in some places so you should not be confused if you hear it.

As for the legend of this castle, it is exactly the same with the story of the Maiden's Tower. You don't know a little, but let us remember. An oracle in his day tells the king that his daughter will be buried by the serpent. In order to save her daughter, the king built a castle in the middle of the sea and placed her daughter there. Snake, hidden in a basket of grapes going to the castle, stings and kills the girl. To return to more real stories, this island was used by pirates and it is thought that the castle was made by the Byzantines. The central building is the palace. Another claim was that the Kizkalesi was built to protect the Korykos city from the sea against the dangers of the sea. As a result of historical research, it is said that in the last centuries the Selevkoslar, Byzantines, Seljuks, Armenians, French (Cyprus), Karamanogullari and Ottomans hosted the castle.

Kizkalesi is about 600 meters away from the land, so it's pretty close, so you can either swim to go or you can rent a sea bike. We rented a sea bike, but there were swimmers, so don't grow your eyes. In the meantime, the sea is really enormous, we did not leave the bike on the spot and not face! The bike rental time 20 TL, you can reach the castle in about 10-15 minutes by bike. When you arrive, the castle takes about 15 minutes.

3. Under 30 Floors of the Earth: Heaven - Hells - Silifke

These depressions, millions of years ago, even when humanity is not even more, in the Miocene Era (23 - 5 million years before the current time period) formed as a result of the collapse of the ceiling of the caves. Heaven is a cavern that can land down into a staircase, a cave at the very bottom, a hole in depth and depth that can only be reached by mountaineering equipment. Heavenly pit, as spacious as the name, like an oasis, and if it is easy to come down, Hell is as creepy as his name, it's a place to land. Of course you'll be able to look at us like Hell, from the cruise terrace, but now we wouldn't have to go back to the 450-hole Paradise pit. Hell is really deep. 128 meters, so 30-35 storey building. The name is probably also due to the lack of chance of landing and descent, and because of its depth when you look down on the cruise terrace. Force to the soles! There is a church at the mouth of the cave, which corresponds to the 300th step of the 450 steps.

Since Christianity was forbidden for some time in the Roman Period, Christians worshiped in secret places such as the Paradise pit. You can reach the bottom of the cave 150 feet below the church. As it enters the cave, the ground is slippery. No need to bring proper shoes. With the emergence of the descent to heaven, the whole area can be visited in roughly 1.5 - 2 hours. The museum passes the card.

4. Fish in Narlıkuyu

If you have come to Heaven - Hell in the afternoon, there are many fish restaurants on the Narlıkuyu coast just down the coast. It is important to pre-warn that if you are not sitting in your choice of restaurant in Narlıkuyu, you can ask for the price of everything and decide according to it, or you may encounter an unexpected calculation.

Yoruk Apo's Place, which we used to have previously moved, was moved but the place where we moved has been better. Its new location is in Akyar which is very close to Narlıkuyu. Click for location. Again in Akkum from nearby bays, there is an alternative to Yoruk Apo.

5. Swim with Blue Flag Beach

One of the smartest things to do in Mersin is to leave yourself in the waters of the Mediterranean. In this geography, temperatures in the region of 40'lı grades see. We have listed the most beautiful bays of Mersin, the clearest waters of the coasts, in one of the MERSINERSDE SEA AREA.

6. The Miracle of Nature, Aynalıgöl (Gilindire) Cave - Aydıncık

Aynalıgöl, named after the mirror as a mirror reflected in its name, is one of the most important karstic structures of the region, which consists of rooms filled with stalagmites and stalactites, up to the Ice Age, at a height of 465 meters from the sea. The source of the white dripstone structure, the humidity in the cave is 80% and the winter is the temperature between 25-30 degrees. 20 years ago, a coyote chasing after 20 years ago by a shepherd who was thought to have been discovered accidentally, the color of the cave is even more white, but with the effect of people and increasing the color of the white color began to turn a little broken white. Reflecting like a glass-like mirror, the depth of the lake reaches up to 47 meters. The water is soda on the surface, but it is salty when it is deep. As a result of the research found no living species in the cave, but the stairs carved in front of the people previously thought to be sheltered here. The entrance of the cave is at the end of a cliff. You can reach the mouth of the cave by climbing down the ladder on the platform that was built at the end of the cliff. The museum card does not pass.

Alahan Monastery - Mut

One of the oldest churches in Antioch, Saint Pierre, which is considered as one of the oldest churches, is located at 1,300 meters. The Alahan monastery, which is overlooked against Göksu. dead. When Christianity was forbidden, the first Christians would make their secret hidden worship in the mountain caves and in the caves, in more isolated and unobstructed places. Later, when Christianity was officially accepted in the Roman and Byzantine period, the pilgrimage centers such as the Alahan Monastery were built in such places that were believed to be the saints who had the mission of spreading Christianity in time. This is M.S. It is thought to be a very busy pilgrimage point between the 4th and 6th centuries. It has lost its importance during the Arab invasions that began in the 7th century.

Kanlıdivane Antique City - Erdemli

Kanlıdivane, BC. The ancient city and sanctuary of the Olba Kingdom, founded in the 3rd century. According to a horrific rumor, a bog was found in the middle of the city and wild animals were fed in the bush. Those who disobeyed the king were punished by punishment. Ği This was the reason he was called Kanlıdivane, and another rumor was called Kanlıdivane because his land was red. In the time of the ancient city had the Romans, the Byzantines. Even when the Byzantines lived here, a Christian center was established; The reason why it is considered to be sacred is that it is too large. The greatness of the Obru and the fact that this place has been known as the religious center for years has made people think that this place is divine. Kanlıdivane is a place where you can walk in half an hour, so it's not too big. The most important feature that makes this place worth seeing is the Kanlıdivane Obruğu in the middle of the city we just mentioned.

A relief from the Armaronxas family in the obruary attracted our attention and we did not want to pass on to you. If we didn't find much information about the family, we learned about the story of Olba's Queen, Aba, which included Cleopatra. Abamişs tomb was in this ancient city. Abamışs father left the city when he opposed the policies of the Olba priests and became the leader of the pirates, who claimed the father of Olba and assaulted Aba lids father and took Aba under his care. Later, he fell in love and got married, that is the queen of Aba Olba. When Olba was invaded by the King of Egypt, Olba was given as a gift to Cleopatra, and when Cleopatra came to Olba, the Abbot had assassinated him. Aba saved this assassination and saved Cleopatra, but the assassins attacked Aba. Olba's king died if you wanted to protect his wife. After this event, Aba dedicated herself to Olba and her child.

Adamkayalar - Silifke

Photo Source: www.bik.gov.tr - Sezgin Pancar - Anadolu Agency

Adamkayalar in Mersin Erdemli district and the Devil's Valley Valley. Kızkalesi 5 kilometers away, so if you have a car can reach in 7-8 minutes. Adamkayalar name from the human relief on the rocks. Approximately BC 2.-3. It is said to have been made in the 21st century, but this is a definite knowledge. The reliefs; 11 men, 4 women, 2 children, 1 mountain goat and 1 eagle are made in different ways. In fact, although it is a point of interest for tourists around the world, Adamkayalar is not a place where everyone can reach it, because it is located on a steep slope. So we need serious effort and proper shoes to get over the rocks. Nokta If you say that you do not force me, we say to go around Adamkayalarının a very important archaeological point.

Astım Cave - Silifke

Photo Source: Hakan Demiray / Foursquare

The Astım Cave is next to the Heaven-Hell Pits, about 300 meters from the Cennet Çukuru. You can go down into the cave with a long staircase. As the cave has a humidity of over 80%, there are rumors that it is very good for asthma patients and this is the name of Astım Cave. People in the trees around the cave tie pieces of cloth to wish their wishes and caves in some places can pass the Dilek Cave. If you are not going to Aynalıgöl Cave, Astım Cave may be worth seeing, but if you have the opportunity to go to Aynalıgöl, it will be very faint next to Asthma. In addition, we recommend to be cautious about going to Astım Cave, because the cave can be very slippery, especially when there is a lot of humidity, and there are no invisible accidents. Edi You can visit the Astım Cave for 5 TL, if you have Muzekart 2 times a year and if you have Muzekart + you can visit as much as you want during the year. Astım Cave is open between 08.00-19.00 between April and October and between 08.00-17.00 between November and March.

Lamos Canyon - Erdemli

Photo Source: erdemli.meb.gov.tr

Lamos Canyon in Erdemli district of Mersin. Lamos (Lamas) Canyon can also be called Kayacı Valley or Limonlu Town in some sources, but all of them are actually the same. His name is known to come from the god Lamos, a king in Greek mythology. The center of Mersin is about 50 kilometers away and it takes about 45 minutes by car. If you are without a car from Mersin, you can ride a dolmuş, but we can't find detailed information about where and how often the minibuses were removed.
The Doctor's Place
Being a picnic / barbecue place on the Limonlu Creek, the Doctor's location is very popular, but unfortunately, he has often received negative comments on the recent instability, excessive filling, problems caused by barbecue and the lack of old taste of the facility. If you are going to go on weekends, maybe it is wise to prefer to go in the week. Doctor's Place is about 10 kilometers from town. When you have any problems with transportation, you should remember that hitchhiking can also be an option, especially in short distances between the town and Doctor's Place. Already probably many of the cars that have passed there are going to the Doctor's Place or they will know.

Uzuncaburç - Silifke

Photo Source: www.kulturportali.gov.tr

In fact, this ancient settlement was a place of worship of the Olba Territorium, 4 kilometers from Uzuncaburç in the Hellenistic Period, but separated from it in the Roman Period and became a city of its own. After the Byzantine period, the Turks called Uzuncaburç by giving the name of the high tower, which is the symbol of the city. When you come here today, you can see the Colonnaded Street, a demolished section of the Ceremonial Gate, the Temple of Zeus and the Tyche Temple, the Victory Gate, the amphitheater, the Hellenistic tomb, and the treasury in time. they can see the five-storey Hellenistic Tower.

Photo Source: mersinsaglikturizmi.saglik.gov.tr

More or less BC Anamurium, a ruin that is thought to have been built in the 4th century. It is 7 kilometers from Anamur district and about 12 minutes by car. Most sources say that ı anamurium ”means bu windy place Çoğu and that the region has received such a name. Throughout history, the Sassanids have been chosen as a settlement by many states, such as the Anatolian Seljuks. The Anamurium actually passes as a city and is divided into two as the city. The most spectacular buildings are the baths, the theater, and the odeon concert hall. The entrance fee to Anamurium is 5 TL and you can enter unlimited with Müzekart + for a year. You can visit between 08 April and 2 October between 08.00-19.00 and between 3 October and 14 April at 08.00-17.00.

Goksu River

The Göksu River passes through the provinces of Mersin, Konya, Karaman and Antalya. Göksu River Rafting is a river, because it is quite high. Yerköprü Waterfall, which we loved, was actually a part of the Göksu River. More clearly; The Göksu River passes through the Yerköprü Cave and the Yerköprü Waterfall at the point where they converge is perhaps our favorite place in Mersin.

Photo Source: wikimedia.org - Tarsus Waterfall

Tarsus, which is located in Mersin, near the provincial border of Adana, has a historical value which should be given right. It was the center of the Cilician Civilization during the time of Tarsus where Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman artifacts were intertwined. The cave of Ashab-ı Kehf (Seven Sleepers), which is considered as sacred by both Christians and Muslims, is one of the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ and the St Paul's Church and well made in the name of St. Paul, who was originally thought to have been born in Tarsus, historical Roman Road and Roman Baths, Cleopatra Gate, Taşkuyu Cave, Taşkuyu Waterfalls and Roman tombs, Tarsus Dam, Ulu Mosque and historical Kırkkaşık Bedesten from 1500s, Justinian Bridge from 6th century, historical Tarsus houses. Just a few of Tarsus' historical values.